Department of Information Technology

About the Department

Vision and Mission


HOD Profile

Faculty List


Professional Society

FDP/STTP & Programs

Club Activities


Photo Gallery

Innovation in Teaching Methodology

Course Material

Newsletter and Magazine

Survey Forms

Question Bank

About the Department

The Department of Information Technology, established in 2000, is recognized by AICTE and affiliated with Anna University. Accredited by NBA, the department offers a four-year degree program in Information Technology, renowned for its academic excellence. It has significantly contributed to transforming students into accomplished IT Professionals. The department boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced laboratories, well-equipped seminar halls, smart classrooms, and a library that supports e-learning.

Our students gain substantial industry exposure through guest lectures and workshops led by industry experts. We also encourage students to participate in corporate in-plant training and industrial visits each semester, providing them with valuable real-world experience. Various value-added courses are offered to further enhance our students' knowledge. Motivational classes are held to encourage active participation in all aspects of their education.

To keep students engaged and refreshed, the Information Technology Expert Association Club, Computer Vision Club, Pervasive Computing Club, and Cyber Security Club organize various events. These events include quizzes, group discussions, presentations on innovation, mobile app development, and coding competitions. Additionally, we provide individual attention to nurture our students into responsible citizens who can contribute constructively to the industry and society.

Vision and Mission


To be recognized as a high performance department providing technology excellence that advances learning, teaching, research and student formation in alignment with college mission and goals.


  • To support the College mission through excellence and commitment to professionalism and continuous improvement.
  • To provide world class forum for teaching and learning.
  • To inculcate the spirit of innovation in software / Information system through technology that will benefit organization and society.
  • To instill facilities in the arena of Research and Development.

Programme Educational Objectives(PEO)

  • Learning Initiatives:
    To provide Excellent Knowledge on Fundamental Computing Technology and Embedded System to inculcate interest and awareness in IT stream.
  • Knowledge Acquaintances:
    To mould the student to synchronize the acquired theoretical knowledge with practical applications in real time situations.
  • Knowledge Exploration:
    To provide an insight for analyzing current trends, to explore the future issues in different perspectives of computing environment.
  • Continuous Learning:
    To Stimulate the student to appear for the competitive examinations, to pursue higher studies and to continue the learning process with effective communication in technical aspects, to function efficiently as a team, individual and apply the acquired knowledge within global, communal and to the stipulated environment.
  • Incubation:
    To explore the acquired knowledge for developing innovative ideas, to become an Entrepreneur.

Programme Outcomes (PO)

  • Engineering knowledge:
    Able to apply the knowledge of Mathematics, Science, Engineering fundamentals and an Engineering specialization to the solution of complex Engineering problems.
  • Problem Analysis:
    Able to identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex Engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of Mathematics, Natural sciences, and Engineering sciences.
  • Design/development of solutions:
    Able to design solution for complex Engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate considerations for the public health and safety and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigations of complex problems:
    Able to use Research – based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Modern tool usage:
    Able to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern Engineering IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex Engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
  • The engineer and society
    Able to apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to access societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional Engineering practice.
  • Environment and sustainability
    Able to understand the impact of the professional Engineering solutions in societal and environmental context, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
  • Ethics
    Able to apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the Engineering practice.
  • Individual and Team work
    Able to function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
  • Communication
    Able to communicate effectively on complex Engineering activities with the Engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
  • Project Management and Finance
    Able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to ones own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Life long learning
    Able to recognize the needs for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest contest of technological change.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)

  • System Formulation:
    Apply Computing techniques to resolve issues with reasonable investigation for advancement.
  • System Design:
    Analyze systems for modeling and to provide domain specific solutions.
  • System Exploration:
    Explore new and emerging technologies leading to innovations in the field of Information Technology.

HOD Profile

Dr.M.Helda Mercy, M.E, Ph.D

Professor and Head of the Department of Information Technology

She has 28 years of teaching experience and has got a proven record of academics strength which facilitates her to carry out her teaching field in an effective Manner. She has received her M.E degree in computer Science and Engineering from Sathyabama University and her PhD degree from University of Madras.

Her research area includes Graph Theory, Networking, Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Computer Graphics and Mathematical Modeling. She has produced 1 research scholar. She has seven copy rights from government of India. She also acted as a Resource person in the orientation program conducted for newly recruited staff members of the department of Mathematics and Statistics in the government colleges of Tamil Nadu, She is also the Editor and reviewer for Journal Parallel and cloud computing.

She has published 25 international journals and presented and published papers in international conference (20) and national conferences (10) in India and abroad. She has received the best paper award in the International Conference organized by Loyola College, Chennai. Also she is a recipient of REV. FR. RACINE AWARD for her research publications. She has authored 5 books. She is the recipient of best Teaching Awards in Engineering to Department of Information Technology from STAFFORDSHIRE UNIVERSITY, United Kingdom, 2019.

Faculty List

S.No. Name of the Faculty Designation
1 Dr. M. Helda mercy Professor & Head
2 Dr. D. Karunkuzhali Professor
3 Dr. K. Sridharan Professor
4 Dr. B. Buvaneswari Professor
5 Dr. N. Bala sundara ganapathy Professor
6 Dr. B. Karthikeyan Professor
7 Dr. M. Sumithra Professor
8 Dr.S.Suma Christal Mary Professor
9 Dr. P.Latha Professor
10 Dr.E.Thenmozhi Professor
11 Dr. K. Ramadevi Professor
12 Dr.C.Mahesh Professor
13 Dr. K. Tamilarasi Associate Professor
14 Dr. M. Dillibabu Associate Professor
15 Dr. G. Dhanalakshmi Associate Professor
16 Mrs.S.Mary Rexcy Asha Associate Professor
17 Mrs. S. Uma Associate Professor
18 Dr.K.Muthulakshmi Associate Professor
19 Dr. K. Lalitha Associate Professor
20 Mr. S. Gopi Associate Professor
21 Ms. S. Kumari Associate Professor
22 Mrs. J. Hemavathy Assistant Professor
23 Dr. S. Sharanyaa Assistant Professor
24 Mr.v. Kandasamy Assistant Professor
25 Mrs. J. Benithachristinal Assistant Professor
26 Mrs. P.prema Assistant Professor
27 Mrs. S. Prabha Assistant Professor
28 Ms. S. Anusherly Assistant Professor
29 Mrs.R. Selvi Assistant Professor
30 Mrs. V. Priyadarsini Assistant Professor
31 Mrs.S. Sivaranjani Assistant Professor
32 Ms. P. Haritha Assistant Professor
33 Ms.D.Mahalakshmi Assistant Professor
34 Mrs.A.Rekha Assistant Professor
35 Mrs.A.Deepika Assistant Professor
36 Mrs. P. Manjuleeswari Assistant Professor
37 Mrs.V.Rajeswari Assistant Professor
38 Ms.R.Suseendra Assistant Professor
39 Mr.S.Sasidaran Assistant Professor
40 Ms.S.Smitha mol Assistant Professor
41 Mrs. R.Sumathi Assistant Professor
42 Mr.T.Ravi Assistant Professor
43 Mrs. C. Rekha Assistant Professor
44 Mrs. A. Divya Assistant Professor
45 Ms. R. Jayashree Assistant Professor
46 Mrs. A.P. Shalini Assistant Professor
47 Mrs. Meenakshi Diwakar Assistant Professor
48 Mr. N.Venkatesan Assistant Professor
49 Ms. R.Kavitha Assistant Professor
50 Mrs. H.Aarthi Assistant Professor
51 Mrs.S.Jagadeeshwari Assistant Professor
52 Mr.G.Aravindan Assistant Professor


Professional Society

CSI takes pride in being the largest and most professionally managed association of and for IT professionals in India. The purposes of the Society are scientific and educational directed towards the advancement of the theory and practice of computer science and IT.

IEEE and its members inspire a global community through highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities, envisioning a sustainable future.

The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India's leading recognised professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT.

ICT Academy is an initiative of the Government of India in collaboration with the state governments and industries.

Events Organized

Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning

Education is a very powerful tool for social change and transformation. Innovative teaching approaches assist teachers in delivering lectures in a more timely and effective manner, allowing students to stay current with technological improvements. Innovative practices are the best way to enhance the quality of our education. The application of innovative teaching and learning methods and Instructional competencies are essential practices that teachers must master for effectively instructing students to maximize knowledge and skill acquisition. With this in mind, our department strives to provide innovative learning mechanisms that would ensure a wholesome learning experience for the students.

A. A teaching and learning resources available on the institute website:

  • Question banks are prepared based on frequent occurrences of questions from university question papers (both Part A and Part B) for all the courses of the Department of Information Technology and are updated in the institute website regularly. The same is also circulated via group email ID. This approach helps the students to concentrate on specific problems and important topics.
  • Sources of E-book Materials are available and can be accessed by the students and faculty members as well.
  • Sources of Video Lectures prepared by our faculty members on different topics for Core Subjects are made available on the institute website.
  • Easy access to study material for every Course (unit wise) is enriched.
  • PowerPoint Presentation on all topics is also accessible by the students for simple understanding along with the recordings of class session held through MS team.

Instructional material

  • In classrooms and other student learning environments (Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams), both traditional and modern teaching aids such as blackboard teaching, OHP & LCD projectors, PowerPoint Presentation, Video Lecture, and other methods are used.
  • Subject Experts (Guest Lecturer) are invited for handling complex topics in core subjects to make the students understand better apart from regular subject handling faculty.
  • Practical support is provided to students for certain theoretical concepts through program execution, simulation and live demo apart from regular laboratory sessions.
  • Practical learning lab environment is provided similar to virtual lab to gain practical exposure. Python Lab simulation is implemented for first year students. Other laboratory courses are planned in future.


B. Peer Review Analysis and Assessment
Project Based Learning -Case Studies and Mini Projects

  • To develop conceptual skills, identify and solve problems innovatively, our students undertake Case Studies in different subjects. After explaining the different theoretical contents, students were asked to develop a case study using this knowledge. Students were asked to submit a separate report specifying the conceptual content reflected and its rationale. This report was a supplementary teaching material to be used later.
  • Apart from Regular Project Phase as per curriculum in final semester, students are also encouraged to do projects in second and third year in a smaller level wherein they are guided on various aspects including selection of the problem statement, writing literature survey, adopting methodologies and techniques. Finally the projects are examined by the faculty members.

Comprehensive based Mock Test

  • A Comprehensive based mock test for the students possesses a better idea of how well they are grasping the material and hopefully motivates them to learn more information about the subject. They are allowed to discuss, understand, and solve the topics, problems related to a subject. Technical mock tests are conducted for the students on different subjects by our faculty members to enhance the confidence level of students on a particular subject. Student learning is evaluated in relation to the teachers’ instructional methods. For example the below link denotes the online DBMS mock test for II and III year students.
  • Along with this, Placement related mock test training is also given with individual attention.

Innovative Projects and Ideas available to be reproducible for public

The department conducts periodic innovative events among the students and invites expert faculty (in- house ) as judges such as Mini Project Expo, Software Contest and other Technical Events. The opinions and annotations by faculty, students and others are encouraged.

Prototype/Working Model

By working models, students are given a demonstration or example of a process or product that is representative of the skill or content they are expected to perform by themselves. Models and model development are useful for helping students to learn quantitative skills such as graphing, graphical analysis, visualization, statistics, computational skills and mathematics. The knowledge gained while using models and the understanding of model development and implementation are transferable to other disciplines.


1. Near Far It facilitates the user to navigate to different places with the latitude an longitudinal value for a specified place to reach easily with the integration with the maps. Social Common People
2. K-Crew scheduling algorithm It schedules the crew members for both domestic and international services with the policy specified by the aircraft system without any repetition and clashes. Aircraft Airport
3. Weather Limitation Check for flights It automates the flight schedule based on the weather report for automating the travel, and also concentrates on how to navigate from natural obstacles during travel. Aircraft Airport
4. Air cabin Scheduling It strict the cabin scheduling process for the crew members by providing choice of choosing the schedule for work by providing highest privileges to the crew members. Aircraft Airport
5. Safe optical scan voting system It creates a safe optical scan voting machine with the defined procedure for voting and validation. Social Judicial
6. Seasonal crop disease identification and preventive measures with eco friendly for farmers It list the disease affecting the tomato and grapes by categorizing the stages of disease infection with the remedial measures to get high yield for the above crops. Agriculture Farmer
7. Farmer rancher opulent system Its an mobile app for the farmers to get all the details about the crops – when to cultivate, how to cultivate and how to get highest yield and where they can get the seeds and fertilizer in highest quality with lowest price and introduced bidding options to sell their yielded crops based on the highest demand. Agriculture Farmer
8. Smart Hydroponics system It’s a new farming technique, without soil and land how to cultivate crops and get high yielding with the water as a major source. Agriculture Farmer
9. Mining tweets  through live streaming data using SPARK and create a data lake It specifies the data categorization and data insight process for various data under classified data content for social media applications. Social Common people/data analyst
10. Intuitive Language Learning APP with interfaceable Braille Keyboard Development of Braille keyboard with the alphabet embedded in the board ,which facilitates the blind people to interact and learn the system and the app is developed to produce various sound to categorize the different communication process through the key stroke. Social Blind People

Knowledge Exploration through Competitions:

Our staff motivates students to explore their knowledge to the public through project events useful to society and won awards including CSI Student Project Competitions IEEE Xtreme 24 hours coding context, National Level Hackathon Competition, Tamilnadu State Council Project, etc.

Use of suitable methods and powerful presentation for significant results and reflective critique to obtain a clear goal
Statement of clear goals

- Convey knowledge and provide study materials to the students in prior.
- Practise the students to acquire excellent skills and establish themselves in their profession

Significance of results

Effective Knowledge Sharing: Department always focus on Train the Trainer concept.
The faculty members are encouraged to participate in webinars, short term courses, staff development programs, Conferences and workshops on advanced topics to enhance their teaching skills..From this phenomenon, fruitful knowledge transferring to students is enriched.

Assignment Practices:

Assignment practices for improving cognitive skills. Assignments are given unit wise after completion of each unit according to the BTL level mapping with Course Outcomes as homework to encourage the students to solve or explore the given problem and the same is verified and evaluated by the faculty members.

Academic reinforcement based on project-based model

Every semester student has to complete a mini project as a part of their curriculum and these are evaluated for on spot programming skills by mini project reviewers based on the rubrics.

Effective presentation
ICT Mode

The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) teaching tools are used as routine tasks for content delivery including emails, chats, instructional tools, etc. In classroom teaching, LCD projectors are used and are periodically serviced and maintained in working condition. The Department has separate AV Hall (classroom) exclusively for Effective Audio Visual presentation to have advantage of long-term memory retention in students with feel good environment.

Multimedia Learning

Multimedia Learning is an effective teaching learning tool in modern era. Multimedia, is the combination of various digital media types such as text, images, audio and video, into an integrated multi-sensory interactive application or presentation to convey information. Hence teachers select the mode of using short video lectures as the preliminary process of teaching remotely along with powerful presentations.

Collaborative Learning:

Collaborative learning is an educational approach to teaching and learning that involves groups of students working together to solve a problem. The students in the class are separated into different groups. Each group has one leader. For each group, a set of problems are given and they work together to solve a problem. Finally the team leader explains the answers to other groups.


A crossword is an interesting word puzzle activity which helps the students to recollect the concept and try to find out the answer individually. The students will be given a crossword puzzle of around 10 questions displayed to them individually. They have to think and provide the answers in a paper. Through this activity the students recall information easily and think individually and improve their problem solving skills.

Learning through Mind Map

A mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. It is often created around a single concept, drawn as an image in the center of a blank page, to which associated representations of ideas such as images, words and parts of words are added. Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and other ideas branch out from those major ideas.


Teachers begin by asking a specific question about the text. Students ‘think’ about what they know or have learned about the topic. Each student should be paired with another student or a small group. Students share their thoughts with their partner. Teachers expand the ‘share’ into a whole-class discussion. Individual students think about the topic. Each student is paired with another student or a small group and shares their thinking with their partner. It teaches students to share ideas with classmates and builds oral communication skills. It helps to focus attention and engage students in comprehending the reading material.

Learning from Experience:

Students are provided with various opportunities to participate in In-Plant Training programmes, Internships, Industrial Visits where they gain knowledge, Exposure and Experience.

Semester break Internship

Every semester break, students are advised to go for Internship and In-plant training to explore outside world activities and to obtain industrial exposure.

Club Activities Reinforcement through student Club activities /Reinforcement of concepts are encouraged through the activities of ITEAC student clubs monitored by faculty coordinator for multiple events.

Exposure from Senior and Alumni:

We always encourage the relationship between seniors and juniors. Seniors and alumni are invited to help the juniors in both academic and industry scope. They give awareness on industry standards, recent trends and how to cope up with it and more towards inculcating self confidence in them.

Mentor-Mentee Relationship

Each Faculty member plays the role of a mentor effectively for every student until they complete the course. Individual Counseling is given on a regular basis on both academic issues and personal issues. Mentors guide their mentees in every possible way for their betterment. Also, Mentors do communicate with parents about the progress of their wards regularly.

Research Interest:

Over the past years the students have been participating /presenting papers in national/international conferences and publish their research work in national/international Conferences to enrich their knowledge.

Course Material

Department Survey Forms

Academic Year 2024-25 (Even Semester)

For Admissions

Bangalore Trunk Road, Varadharajapuram, Poonamallee, Chennai – 600 123.

044 -26490404 / 0505 / 0717