Panimalar Digital Library
Remote Access Resources
Internet & Intranet
Keeping pace with the advancements in technology and the need for an automated library management system a digital library has been established.Computer-based library service was introduced as early as 2001. The digital library consists of 106 computer terminals with online access facilities through this system E-journals that are published around the globe can be browsed. The digital library is well stocked with various CDs that have audio visual presentation on technical concepts.
Digital Library subscribes 13650+ International E-Journals including IEEE-(ASPP & POP), Elsevier-SCOPUS, EBSCOHOST,DELNET & Mc-Graw Hill (Engg E-books).,Constant addition 9769 E-Books in all the fields of Engineering, Management, Basic Science and Humanities is the regular feature of our library. Every effort has been made to obtain all titles recommended by the faculty.In addition to other membership resources like National Digital library(NDL),SWAYAM/NPTEL,E-SHODHGANGA.
The campus intranet has important details about OPAC,Question Papers,E-Magazines,E-Journals,NPTEL Programme & Webserver (It has rich collection of International editions of reference E-books, Hand books, encyclopedias and various reference documents).
Free internet access 1.5 GBPS Mbps connection Leased Line 24 hours a day 7 days a week to our students.
The campus intranet has important details about OPAC,Question Papers,E-Magazines,E-Journals,NPTEL Programme & Webserver (It has rich collection of International editions of reference E-books, Hand books, encyclopedias and various reference documents)
The library has separate periodicals section and subscribes 52 International and National periodicals.The library receives regularly Journals, news letters from organizations and societies provides the staff and students latest informations in technical education, research and development activities.
The reference section of the library has rich collection of International editions of Reference books, Hand books, Conference proceedings, Encyclopedias,GATE/IELTS/GMATE Exam Books & various Reference documents.
Back volumes of journals have been neatly bounded and arranged under subject wise and year wise for reference.
This library has separate theis(Project Report) section.It receives 100 Project report from our departments.It have been neatly bounded and arranged under subject wise and year wise for future reference. Newspapers, weekly and fortnightly magazines of repute are subscribed to enable the students to keep abreast of day-to-day trends.
The library has separate DIgital Media section has 50 Non-Book Materials.This library receives Subscriped books CD/DVD,Sonaversity Engineering Subject CD/DVD,GATE/GMATE/TOEFL and other Magazines CD/DVDs regularly.provides the staff and students for their latest informations in technical education, research and development activities.
All Students, Faculty, Administrative staff and supporting staff of the college are entitled to become members of the central library. The membership application forms can be obtaining from circulation counter and should be submitted through proper channel. Each student is given 4 library cards and Staff 5 cards.Books are lent to students for 15 days & for staff for 6 Months and can be renewed with 15 days.Fine is levied for late return of books.
As per the directions of Government of Tamil Nadu, the library has got a book bank scheme exclusively for the SC/ST students. The students can avail four additional books for a semester apart from their regular library cards.
Back volumes of journals have been neatly bounded and arranged under subject wise and year wise for reference.
If the books are lost, Then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or latest edition of the book including the fine of Due dates after getting permission from the librarian.
Take special care to maintain the library borrower cards.Library borrower cards are not transferable. . The borrower is responsible for the books borrowed on his/her card.Do not fold, alter entries made on the cards, members are responsible for the entire set of library borrower card issued to them.
Loss of borrower card should be reported to the librarian in writing. After checking the borrowing register they will be issued a fresh replacement card on a payment of Rs.20/- per card.
The library is equipped with computerised On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for searching availability of books and CD-ROMs.Barcode system is followed in all transactions.we are maintained 2 Separate Server.
I, II year students of ME Students are asked to renew their books by email during the study holiday only.
Roll Number
Access Number
Due Date
If You want to renew your books, then kindly send the mail on or before 3 days of the return date.
The digital library consists of 8 computer terminals with online access facilities through this system E-journals that are published around the globe can be browsed. The digital library is well stocked with various CDs that have audio visual presentation on technical concepts.It has a dedicated internet lab working 24 hours a day 7 days a week. We give free internet access to our students. We have a 100 Mbps connectivity.
These library is a member of INDEST-AICTE Consortium. Through this consortium, it subscribes 32936 National & International E-Journals including IEEE,Springer,Elsevier, ASME, ASCE, EBSCO & J-Gate etc.,These covers more than 32,000 journals, transactions, magazines, conference proceedings and Standards. More than 15,000 new pages are added per month. It provides access to more than two million full-page PDF images, including all original charts, graphs, diagrams, photographs and illustrative material.
Photocopying facility is available in the library. Nominal charge is collected for photocopying service. PhotoCopy= 0.75/- Print = 1/-
The library has separate periodicals section and subscribes 52 International and National periodicals.The library receives regularly Journals, news letters from organizations and societies provides the staff and students latest informations in technical education, research and development activities.